The 3 Best Beginner Airsoft Guns


17th Aug 2018

The 3 Best Beginner Airsoft Guns

It’s a question as old as airsoft. If you been near popular forums, facebook pages, YouTube channels or even around fresh airsoft players, you’ll always hear it. 

But it’s a valid question! New airsofters can be put off by the huge amount and variety of airsoft guns available on the market and, unfortunately, there’s also a huge amount of misinformation. So, here’s our guide for beginner airsofters, on the best beginner airsoft guns.

Does Airsoft Hurt?


25th May 2018

Does Airsoft Hurt?

It’s a common question that gets asked by people new to the sport of airsoft. If there’s any comparison that can be drawn from paintball to airsoft, it’s often followed by a fear that airsoft may hurt as much. It’s a valid question and one that new players shouldn’t be afraid to ask. Let me tell you that airsoft can, and does occasionally hurt. However, don’t let that put you off the sport for ever. The pain, for the most part is optional and often, completely avoidable.

How to Tune a Gas Airsoft Gun


27th Apr 2018

How to Tune a Gas Airsoft Gun

Tuning your airsoft weapon is a huge part of the hobby. There’s nothing better than heading into a skirmish, excited to see what the previous week’s upgrades and tinkering has done to the performance of your weapon.

However, gas airsoft guns are some of the hardest, but most important weapons to tune. They can be less predictable than spring and electric weapons. In a sport where predictability and dependability are key, this is something you’ll want to tune.

Can you use Blue Gel for Airsoft?


20th Feb 2018

Can you use Blue Gel for Airsoft?

If you shoot firearms, are interested in shooting, or have had a look at our products, you might have heard of something called Blu Gel. Blu Gel (or Blue Gel), is a product of ours which is designed to re-apply the “bluing” of a gun, if it gets worn or scratched off. Bluing is a process applied to gun steel, in order to protect against rust with a black oxide coating and gives guns their typical black colour (with a tint of blue, hence the name).

The Complete Guide To Airsoft Lubricants


2nd Jan 2018

The Complete Guide To Airsoft Lubricants

Airsoft guns are complicated beasts and ensuring that they are operating smoothly and efficiently is absolutely paramount to their continued operation and longevity.

However, lubricants can be tricky. There are multiple different materials and lubricant types. Not to mention a whole list of when you should and shouldn’t use them. Use this guide as your complete resource in how to lubricate, with what product, and when to lubricate your airsoft guns.

How to Start an Airsoft Site


29th Nov 2017

How to Start an Airsoft Site

How cool would it be to run your own airsoft site? Imagine playing airsoft as your job! It’s a thought that most airsofters have had at one point or another.

Whilst most airsoft site operators will admit that it’s a great job, they will also tell you that it’s not a simple walk (then run and crouch behind a box) in the park. Starting your own airsoft site is a mammoth task that takes more work than most people know – or get given credit for – and most airsoft site operators rarely get to play at their own site or take any profit for doing so.

Ear Protection Whilst Airsofting


5th Nov 2017

Ear Protection Whilst Airsofting

It’s quite common nowadays to see airsoft players wearing ear protection when playing airsoft. It’s difficult to tell whether players are wearing them to complete the look of their loadout or wearing them for genuine ear protection.

Regardless of why players wear ear protection, do they need it? What are the dangers to your hearing whilst airsofting? We’re going to go through the common dangers that your hearing may face on the airsoft field, and whether hearing protection is required.

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