5 Awesome Uses Of Vehicles In Airsoft


21st Oct 2017

5 Awesome Uses Of Vehicles In Airsoft

In the ever present pursuit of realism and awesomeness in airsoft, vehicles are a way of bringing a certain x-factor into the game that you will struggle to get in any other way. There’s simply nothing like having your team backed up by an armoured vehicle, transported in the back of a jeep or even flown in by aircraft.

So in the spirit of finding next-level greatness in airsoft, we’ve put together a list of 5 amazing places and airsoft games where vehicles are being used and how they do it safely.

High Cap Vs Mid-Cap Vs Low Cap Airsoft Magazines


12th Oct 2017

High Cap Vs Mid-Cap Vs Low Cap Airsoft Magazines

It’s something that many airsofters consider when they’re starting, redoing their loadout, or buying new kit; what kind of airsoft magazine should you go with?

There are 3 primary kinds of airsoft magazine, high-cap, mid-cap and low-cap. In this post we’ll help you understand the benefits and negatives of using each. In this blog, we’ll be using images and talking about STANAG magazines, but this information is applicable to all kinds of magazines and weapons from the proprietary G36 Mag to the AK47 banana mag and the MP5 stick magazine.

Should Riot Shields Be Allowed In Airsoft?


26th Sep 2017

Should Riot Shields Be Allowed In Airsoft?

Every airsofter has thought about it at some point. Whether it’s prompted by seeing it in a video game like Call of Duty’s riot shield or Rainbow 6 Siege’s Blitz and Montagne; The breach scene in the recent film Triple 9; or simply thought about the idea naturally. Every airsofter has considered the feasibility of using a riot shield / ballistic shield (we are aware of the difference) for an airsoft game, particularly if you play in an urban CQC environment.

Sniper Skills - How to Nail Your Target


4th Sep 2017

Sniper Skills - How to Nail Your Target

Sniping is something that every airsofter dreams of doing. There’s nothing quite like a single well placed shot, flying through the air and landing on target; the look on the opponents face as they can’t quite comprehend where they’ve been hit from (and the subsequent decision making as to whether they should take the hit). Over time and if you’re good enough, you build up a reputation at the site as being the great sniper; people actively avoid lines of sight where you’re watching and if they hear a rare miss, they’re already looking for an alternate route. You become a formidable asset on the field.

A Parent


28th Aug 2017

A Parent's Guide to Airsoft

So, your young one has asked you if they can go airsofting for the first time and you’re not entirely sure if you should let them. Rest assured that you’re not the first parent to be apprehensive of letting their child engage in our pastime.

In this article, we’re going to go through what airsoft is, the benefits and potential dangers of airsoft and some important pieces of information that you should know. We’ll try our best to do so with as little bias as possible.

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