13th Dec 2018
Shotgun Cleaning & Maintenance This Winter
It’s important that you know how to care for your beloved firearms if you’re out in the rain, snow and bitter cold this winter.
13th Dec 2018
It’s important that you know how to care for your beloved firearms if you’re out in the rain, snow and bitter cold this winter.
23rd Nov 2018
Everything you need to know about "trigger response" in airsoft. If you’re new to the sport, you might not know what it means.
15th Nov 2018
So, you’ve reached the point in your airsoft career where you want to investigate using a radio system. Maybe you’ve got a squad that needs to communicate over long distances, or maybe you’re a solo player looking to get more involved.
15th Nov 2018
Gas airsoft guns are, what can only politely be described as, awful during the winter months. When the temperature drops, so does their performance and reliability. It’s just a simple fact of how airsoft meets physics.
25th Oct 2018
We spoke to some veteran airsofters and found out exactly what they wish they knew when they started the sport!
19th Oct 2018
Here’s our comprehensive list of all the things you should think about doing when you come back from a long hard day at airsoft, in no particular order.
11th Oct 2018
The question of whether you can use CO2 instead of Green Gas comes when people are trying desperately to get the most out of their airsoft guns during the colder months.
30th Sep 2018
What people find as the best gear for them in the CQB setting, might not be best for them in a woodland setting. It may be best for them, but not for their buddy. The best advice we can give you with kit is to start with a foundation, and slowly build it from there.
25th Sep 2018
If you’re in the market for a GBB (gas blow-back), you need to know the difference in open bolt vs closed bolt gas airsoft guns. Most modern gas airsoft guns follow the open bolt design, however there are still a fair number of the older technology “closed bolt” available on the used market. So, if you’re in the market and want to know the difference, this should help you know which type of bolt is for you.
20th Sep 2018
Sniping in airsoft is an absolute art-form. It takes dedication, patience, skill and practice both on the field and off the field in the workshop. With that in mind, whether you’ve built your own rifle from scratch, or you’ve just picked up a stock base rifle to work with, you need to know how to keep it maintained. Propper maintenance will not only ensure that the rifle operates reliably for longer, it’ll also improve your accuracy and confidence in the field.
17th Sep 2018
Silencers on a firearm are used to reduce the gunshot sound that emanates from the barrel when shooting.However, airsoft guns don’t have exploding gunpower or gasses which need slowing down, so do silencers actually work on airsoft guns?
7th Sep 2018
Whilst many players don’t like comparing airsoft to paintball, it’s the closest thing that can be compared.
Airsoft, is similar to paintball, in the teams of people group together into organised teams at a dedicated and insured field, and shoot small projectiles at each other for fun and sport.
27th Nov 2019
14th Nov 2019
8th Nov 2019
7th Nov 2019
25th Oct 2019
22nd Oct 2019
21st Oct 2019
4th Oct 2019
1st Oct 2019